
Please read this before you contact me:

Much of the reason why I created a site was to alleviate any confusion between communicating parties. This is a space to stay up to date on my current research, as well as a space for rational discourse. With that said, if you have comments about my posts, please leave a comment so others can also enjoy the dialogue. If you have questions about my research and writings or you would simply like to contact me directly for purely academic reasons, don’t hesitate to reach out with the contact information below, or send a message using the form. If you simply want to stay in touch with what I’m up to outside of my research and academics, please use the social media links. Unfortunately it will be more challenging for me to give academic advice or discussion over any social media platform. I try my best to keep both worlds separate so I can prioritize my social and academic life as I see fit. I do this so I can stay focused when I work and stay relaxed when I need breaks. I look forward to connecting with many of you.

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