About Me

Dallas Havens was born in Salem, OR and has lived in Georgia, Indiana, and Illinois since. He currently resides in Houston, TX in pursuit of his PhD in Philosophy.

I am a current PhD student in the department of philosophy at Rice University.

I have a wide range of interests that span greatly across many subfields. However, I work mostly in normative and applied ethics, political philosophy, as well as moral psychology. I have also presented some of my work on theories of justice and other work in research ethics.

Prior to completely devoting myself to philosophy, I pursued an associate’s degree in Biblical studies at Moody Bible Institute. After graduating and researching independently in both theology and comparative religion, I then decided to fully commit myself to studies in philosophy. I pursued a major in philosophy at the University of Indianapolis with a concentration in ethics, where I graduated in 2020. Despite learning a great deal in philosophy during my time there, I still felt like I needed to further strengthen my philosophy skills and gain more experience. So, I continued my philosophy education and obtained my MA in philosophy from Northern Illinois University in 2022. My time at NIU left me feeling much more prepared as a young philosopher and, because of that preparation, I am now pursuing my PhD in Philosophy at Rice University.

Despite spending much of my time reading and writing philosophy, I am also skilled in cooking, painting, ceramics, writing poetry and short stories, and occasionally cartoon drawings. I enjoy eastern thought and culture as well as traveling and hiking, usually by way of cross-country road trips.

Research Areas


Moral Psychology

Political Philosophy


Rice University
(2022 – Present)
Ph.D., Philosophy

Northern Illinois University
(2020 – 2022)
M.A., Philosophy

University of Indianapolis
(2018 – 2020)
B.A., Philosophy

Moody Bible Institute
(2013 – 2015)
A.S., Biblical Studies

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